Silk Road Treasure
Explore the rich tapestry of history, culture and craftsmanship woven along the Silk Road. Immerse yourself in the enduring story of East and West's convergence, where unique flavors and traditions are born.
Consumir bebidas alcoólicas em excesso prejudica a saúde
Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health
A venda ou disponibilização de bebidas alcoólicas a menores de 18 anos é proibida
The sale or supply of alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited
Maritime Silk Road
A tribute to the vibrant flavors and heritage that flourished along the Maritime Silk Road.
The journey begins with a delightful assortment of fresh seafood, celebrating the coastal treasures that once defined this historic trade route, alongside fragrant dishes inspired by ancient spice blends that evokes exotic, far-flung lands, inviting diners on a delectable journey to the past.
Aux Beaux Artsで、高級フランス産チーズを贅沢に堪能しませんか?ソムリエが厳選した2019年産シャトー・リオン・ボーリュー NV ボルドーと一緒に味わえば、チーズの塩味がワインの甘さと絶妙に調和します。エレガントなフランス風スナックとともに、感覚的な旅をお楽しみください。
$288* - チーズトローリーセレクション(5種類)とワイングラス1杯
$388* - チーズトローリーセレクション(5種類)、スナック1種類とワイングラス1杯
$588* - チーズトローリーセレクション(5種類)、スナック3種類とワイングラス2杯
Consumir bebidas alcoólicas em excesso prejudica a saúde
Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health
A venda ou disponibilização de bebidas alcoólicas a menores de 18 anos é proibida
The sale or supply of alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited
割引 | 特別メニュー | 価格 |
King of Champagne – クリュッグの夜 | 毎年プレステージ・キュヴェを造る、最初で唯一のシャンパーニュ・メゾンであるKing of Champagne –
毎週金曜日・土曜日|午後6時~午前12時 |
メニュー |
Say "Santé" to Happy Hour | 親友と一緒に選りすぐりのワイン、スピリッツ、カクテルを魅力的な特典とともにお楽しみください。
日曜日~木曜日#|午後6時~夜8時 |
1杯分の料金で2杯飲めます |
Consumir bebidas alcoólicas em excesso prejudica a saúde
Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health
A venda ou disponibilização de bebidas alcoólicas a menores de 18 anos é proibida
The sale or supply of alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited
1930年代のブラッスリーのエレガントな雰囲気とカジュアルな洗練さを表現したAUX BEAUX
All guests refrain from wearing bathrobe, swimwear, or flip-flops
Male guests refrain from wearing sleeveless shirt / vest or open toe shoes.
受賞歴 |
Three-Glass Excellent Glass Rating
Three-Glass Grand Award
Red Star
Three-Star Award
Gold Medal Restaurant
Jury Prize
| (853)8802 2319 | | Aux Beaux Arts
Tue - Fri: 6pm - 11pm Sat & Sun: 12pm - 3pm | 6pm - 11pm ABA Bar Daily: 5:30pm – 12am Star Band Performance: Every Friday to Sunday | 5:30pm – 11:45pm |